Good Night Sweetheart

My kids are creative sleepers. We quietly tiptoe into their room every night before we go to sleep to check on them and cover them one more time before Brian and I go to sleep. Most nights we choke back chuckles at the positions we find them in.

Here's some pictures we've been accumulating...ENJOY!

That chubby hand...those lips!

She's oh-so flexible

Stuffed animals everywhere!

When Judah was sleeping in our room in the pack-n-play.
That's gonna hurt in the morning!

Free as a bird

My bald boy testing the sturdiness of his toddler rail.
Stuffed animals strewn everywhere!

How he got his lion on his back I'll never understand.

Huggin' the leopard and hurtin' the breathing!

Wide open!
Sleeping in the exact opposite end of the crib she started in.

Going for a run with daddy is very boring


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Little Things I Want to Remember: Addise.

The days pass too slowly sometime and turbo speed others. I fear forgetting all the things that makes Addise who she is today at 19 months. Here are some of my most favorite things these days about my mini-me...


She really does loves her peas,
but she's drama for this mama!
  • In the past week she has started exclaiming"MINE!" and a sweet"thank you" in the right contexts [she exclaims everything, really]. A blessing and a curse, not in that order.
  • She has a temper in the making [read: character development needed!]. When Addise gets mad, she turns into the Hulk. Her rage starts deep within, building until she screams/growls, shakes all spare appendages, and may even throw whatever object is in her hand or within her grasp. The rest of us run for cover and pray for God to intervene.
  • She runs like Frankenstein with locked knees, swinging her legs back and forth at a mach speed that'll get her in trouble if she trips.
  • At 19 months Addise still only has 6 teeth - her front 4 and 2 top molars. I often ask her where her teeth are, and she proudly points to the half dozen she's cut.
  • She's an Illini fan. Just like a Getz!

    Addise can regularly be found running through our house giggling hysterically...with her eyes closed! She finds it quite exhilarating to see how far she can get running blindly. As you can imagine, these adventures can end in tears.

  • Addise would rather kiss her daddy any day over me. She's in love with him. I understand why.
  • She's recently discovered that her eyes and eyebrows together make a 100 more expressions than she previously realized. She uses this charm to her advantage by making us laugh all the more. 
  • Testing her boundaries is what she does best. She looks over her shoulder countless times a day to see if we'll notice her getting shoes out of the shoe basket or stealing Judah's water for a drink. Madness.
  • Every day when I get home from work, Addise runs toward the door - Frankenstein style - squealing with delight. She nearly shimmies up my leg to get a few cuddles in.
There are too many reasons I love this picture. Time for bigger PJs?!?
I never want to forget those thighs!!!

It's not all fun and games at the Diaz Casa [did you read my recent post?!]. This was after a L.O.N.G afternoon of errands. I think they communicated their emotions efficiently.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Month of Celebrations, Especially Today!

I love August. This August, in particular, is a month of celebration and joy.

MARRIAGE :: August 5th we celebrated 10 years of marriage!!! It hasn't always been "happily ever after", but it has been a partnership deeply committed to oneness and loving each other through the best of days and the worst. In our 13 years together we've experienced some tough stuff and fought through challenges, but we are more in love with each other and more connected today than we were 10 years ago. Brian has been the most sharpening and shaping person in my life [next to my parents?]. I respect, love, and admire him more than words can say.

We imagined for our 10th anniversary that we'd escape to Hawaii or Europe, but with 2 little ones only home for 6 months, the best we could do was 1 night away in a local hotel. My mom was so generous to provide us 30 hours away from our kiddos to reconnect with each other and enjoy time together. It was an amazing gift...we were crazy excited!

View of the pool where we spent many hours lounging
Celebratory gift from our hotel

We cannot wait for the next 10 years of life and partnership together. The best is yet to come...

BIRTHDAY :: August 9th I celebrated my 32nd birthday. This was my first birthday where I didn't take the day off work and solitude at the pool with my Bible and journal in hand. This birthday started EARLY with 2 toddlers who intuitively must have known it was my birthday. They awoke at 1am, 4am, and 6:30am. I'm sure they meant to wish me happy birthday, but it wasn't my love language [wink]. My mom was still in town and I was able to celebrate with her - what a gift!!!! We ate breakfast overlooking the ocean, my mom gave me a beautiful charm necklace with Judah and Addise's names engraved, our Embassy date, and the quote "chosen. to belong. to be loved."

After a half dozen pictures, this was the best we could do.

MEET THE COUSINS :: This past weekend Judah and Addise met their Puerto Rican/Finnish cousins, Luna and Esa. Since they left, Judah keeps asking for "Muna". They had such a great time together playing at the beach, checking out the aquarium, and hanging out together. We are SO grateful that Brian's sister's family drove 17+ hours each way to meet our kiddos!

The fairest of babies with the brownest of them

REFERRAL ANNIVERSARY! :: Today, August 16th, marks 365 days since we first saw Judah and Addise's faces. You can read the original post about "The Call" HERE. You can read my first thoughts about Judah [Lil A] and Addise [Baby T] HERE. Re-reading these posts, I can't help but weep in gratitude for all God's done this past year in our family. Judah and Addise are miracles. They were brilliantly chosen by our God for our family. They have grown SO much this past year in every way.

One of Judah's referral pictures.
Those eyes and chiclets teeth captured my heart!

The first time I laid eyes on my daughter.
Her lips and rolls wrecked me.

It's hard to describe the year our family has had. We are celebrating so much this month. Recently, I told Brian "I've never been so happy!" We are living in the goodness of God more than we ever could have imagined. We are grateful for the pain. In fact, I confessed to Brian that I'm GLAD we never got pregnant. If we did, we wouldn't be Judah and Addise's parents, and that is impossible to imagine!!! We are grateful for the transformation we've experienced through the heartache and waiting and loss. Brian and I are forever changed by our love for each other and the gifts he's given us in a 3 year old boy and 18 month old girl.

Thank you, Jesus. We celebrate because of all you've done.