Blog to Book

I've been meaning to write this for a long time, but keep forgetting (do you know me? hahaha). Many of you have been so great about commenting on my posts - so appreciated! Mostly, though, people comment on my Facebook posts about the blog or email me responses back. And I haven't saved most of those comments.

SPECIAL REQUEST: A while ago I decided that I wanted to capture for our little ones the journey their parents were on to bring them home. Thus the blog. But beyond that, I want to re-purpose the blog into a book just for them to read someday. I want them to know how thought of, prayed for, longed for, hoped for, and dreamed of they were. I want them to see the thousands of people who helped bring them home via donations, prayers, blog hits, etc.

So, from now on would you post comments on my blog? I want for them to see your names, comments, prayers, and dreams for them, as well as what their momma wrote about them.

African villages get it right:
it takes a village to raise a child.
And we want them to know how big and loving their village really is!


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

9 Months :: I'm Full Term Baby!

Today marks 9 months on the wait list, and I'm about to pop!! :) Have you ever noticed that Africa is shaped like the number 9? Kinda cool. I know it's a little crazy, but I wanted to let you in on a little secret. I often think about how cool it would be to get a phone call "today because..." I've become quite good in the past few months of seeing how God might be orchestrating something intricate, beautiful, and complex for THE DAY when our call comes. For example: Today I think wouldn't it be cool and so like God if our call came today's been exactly 9 months on the wait list - like a pregnancy. Brian and I are working from home together today so we wouldn't have to connive our way out of the office to run home to be together. Plus, I had a meeting that just got moved so maybe the call's coming between now and then. And this next week we are traveling and would make our individual trips so fulfilling and rewarding. I know. I'm crazy. Welcome to my world.

Would you pray that our referrals either come by tomorrow or after next Wednesday? Since, Brian and I are doing some traveling separately over the next week, getting our phone call while we aren't together feels yucky. Yet, we want to see their faces as soon as possible!

We believe God's timing is always perfect. Never late. Never a surprise to him. He's working together our kiddos to be prepared for our family, and of course we are also being prepared to be their parents. I know that looking back on this time, we'll see so much more of what God was doing than we have eyes for now. In my grandma's words, it's so easy to run ahead of God and need to stop and let God lead again. I want to follow him. Period.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

8 Months and Still Waiting

Yesterday, Father's Day, marked 8 months on the wait list. My mom sent me this Scripture last week - framed! - because she knows that my soul is weary...

Psalm 62:5 [I chose a couple versions because the English language can't contain it all in one translation]
God, the one and only—
I'll wait as long as he says.
Everything I hope for comes from him,
so why not?
He's solid rock under my feet,
breathing room for my soul,
An impregnable castle:
I'm set for life. [The Message]

Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
for my hope is in him. [NLT]

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from him. [NIV]


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.