On the Day Addise was Born...

I have a number of friends [especially including Maria Lee] that have been diligently praying for Judah and Addise since before we knew their faces or names. At my baby shower last weekend, Maria wondered what we were praying for on the birthdays of our kids. I had no idea...

Judah :: When Judah was born [8 July 2008] we hadn't even started our adoption process. But God knew that he was to be our son. Amazing how God determined how he was to be our son before we even started the process!!! Immeasurably grateful for him on this Thanksgiving Day!

Addise :: I actually posted on our blog on the day she was born [9 February 2010]!! Re-reading that post brought tears to my eyes. It was such a fresh reminder of my LONGING for our children. Read that post HERE.

On this Thanksgiving Day, I am beyond words, immeasurably thankful to be Judah and Addise's momma. It's remarkable to me how much I love 2 little ones whom I've only spent about 10 hours with and barely know! It's grace. It's also a testament how God forms forever families.

Forever grateful...


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Meet-chya Day Video!

I've been dying to create my own "Gotchya Day" video since I first saw my friend's from her Guatemalan and Ethiopian adoption. Since then, I've watched dozens upon dozens and cried buckets of tears. While this isn't our "Gotchya Day" video, I'm entitling it "Meet-chya Day" video. I get to create my other video when we actually get our kiddos - prayerfully next month! Enjoy! I'd love your comments on the blog. This is the very first video I've ever created...ever. Proud momma in every way!

...and we started a YouTube page because of this. Check out the link in the title and subscribe for future videos.


All I can say is that WE ARE IN LOVE!!! Yesterday was a dream come true in every way!

Our kids are absolutely amazing. We were able to spend nearly 2 hours at their orphanage yesterday. The first meeting of them was quite overwhelming for all 4 of us! I choked back most of the tears in effort not to scare them, but emotion was right under the surface for both of us. Brian was immediately handed Baby T and I took Lil' A.

Baby T fell asleep in Brian's arms within 10 minutes of meeting her and she slept for over an hour on his chest. She made the most adorable sleeping noises and wrapped her little arms around his belly. She's got daddy wrapped around her little brown finger already!! Her hair is filling out and is soooooo silky and curly. She has chunks all over her arms and legs. We've yet to see a smile from her, but that's my goal today. :)

Lil' A was momma's boy yesterday - his 29 month birthday. He was so content sitting on my lap, staring at us with his enormous brown eyes, and he fell asleep on my lap in the counseling room when we were hearing about their history more. He slept on my lap for over an hour, too. We just held them on a bed and talked about how beautiful they were. Very surreal moment!!

They didn't cry once, but they did seem quite overwhelmed with us. Their eyes are as big as saucers. They loved their little monkey and bear security blankets. :) We hope to pass court on Wednesday so we can begin posting pics like crazy!! I think we took a couple hundred pics. :)

The Tikuret orphanage is wonderful - incredibly clean, organized, well kept, and joyful. All throughout the orphanage there are signs that speak of God's love and family. The mission and vision for the orphanage are proudly displayed in the greeting room. All the nannies are attentive to the children and they seem VERY well cared for. It's a relief for this momma, but definitely know the 1on1 attention is needed.

We're headed back to their orphanage this morning to spend a couple more hours with them. Baby T turns 9 months today. It's so great to be able to love on them on their monthly birthdays! Our family is together!!!

More news after our 2nd visit...

April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.