7 Months

I'm now 7 months knocked up. I'm in my third trimester and June 10th cannot come soon enough, I think. I've struggled a bit in writing about my pregnancy because like I've mentioned before, this has been no cakewalk for me.

There are so many layers to that sentence above that I hardly know how to coherently begin peeling them off. One realization I had weeks ago was that though this is my first pregnancy, this is my third child. When most women are pregnant for the first time, they aren't working full time and raising two very active, verbal, and opinionated toddlers. During a first pregnancy, women have more of the "luxury" of paying attention to every bodily change and responding accordingly to it. I imagine them napping regularly, nurturing their changing bodies, and making lifestyle adjustments to accommodate their changing body. I don't feel like I've had any of those privileges. "Enjoying my pregnancy" as I'm often encouraged to do, truly seems like a luxury that I don't have time or energy for.

I feel pregnant and it affects every waking - and sleeping - moment of my day.

I stand up and feel the pain in my hips and lower back. Waddling is becoming my walking style. I wake up in the middle of the night due to a sharp kick into my ribs. First thing in the morning, I wiggle my fingers try to regain feeling in my fingers due to the onset of pregnancy carpal tunnel. I weekly feel like my stomach is going to stretch to snapping like a too-taught, old rubber band. None of my shoes fit, but I'm still squeezing into them every day and Brian has to help me get them on. Walking up from my garage into our second story condo causes me to lose my breath for at least 5 minutes. I can't rock Addise before bed anymore because my belly is too big. I have to be careful bending down to pick my kids up. And once I bend down, I fear not being able to stand back up. My skin has sucked since being pregnant. Generally speaking, "exhaustion" is my life's most defining word. Brian is doing WAY more than he should and is also wiped out. Shaving my legs is becoming a joke. I will say: I do not have hemorrhoids or stretch marks. Yet. Thank you, Jesus. I can't regulate my own body temperature. I'm my own easy bake over and ice cube tray. My son insists his most active times being while I'm trying to fall asleep, and his favorite position is forcefully pushing against every rib. The stretching of my belly and his movements inside me are painful most of the time. Fashion is becoming a cruel joke. The smell of pork causes my body havoc, mainly resulting in puking or loss of appetite. I've thoroughly blown it a few times at work and have let down my team as a result of my new limits. I've been asked multiple times if I'm carrying twins. Awesome.

And I still have 12 weeks to go!

Last night I burst out to Brian, "Am I just going to be exhausted for most of 2012?" His gentle, reluctant "probably" was all I needed to sink into a deeper funk.

I've struggled to write about how I've struggled in this pregnancy because I do not want to be misunderstood as ungrateful. My lack of enthusiasm about pregnancy is not a reflection of my love for our son. I do not want a woman struggling with infertility or recent miscarriage, which I know full well, to hear a pregnant woman "woe-ing" about how hard it is. I used to hate those women. I haven't wanted to share my honest feelings about being pregnant because I haven't wanted to seem ungrateful for this miraculous life growing inside of me after 5 years of "trying" to get pregnant. My discomfort, unease, and general loathing of these 9 months is purely about how hard it's been for my body and our life.

And the thing is: I KNOW many woman have much worse pregnancies than I do. I know women who would give anything to be in my place right now. I know the Ethiopian mothers who carried my first two children, did not have the kind of care or resources I've been given these past several months. So, my own discomfort and melancholy attitude, makes me feel even worse for not just being grateful. Double-edged sword.

Maybe the last reason this pregnancy has produced such a tension within me is that I feel like I should enjoy pregnancy and marvel at it like the rest of womanhood. The lie I can believe is: "a good woman would treasure these nine months." I normally do not "should" all over myself, but my femininity has been attacked over the past 6 years: a woman should be able to carry a baby and when she does she should revel in its miraculous nature. I'm already not "feminine" in many ways [though I adore MAC makeup and a kickin' pair of heels] and do not fit society's description of a woman so this has thrown another kink into identity. These are the lies that creap in during hormone attack or a bad case of heartburn.

At the end of the day, would I change my circumstances? Absolutely Not! I've followed Jesus long enough to know that his ways are not my ways and are always better than mine. I've experienced the deep transformation that only occurs in pain and struggle. And I've come to chuckle at his humor in how's he's chosen to grow our family. I accept his ways. I surrender to his plans. But it's not without my full-on struggle within trust and submission.

So there it is. I hope you don't judge, but if you do at least you know the whole story. And even in your judgment, maybe you'll find some desperate words to pray for that crazy Diaz family and their growing brood.

Oh, here's what 7 months pregnant looks like on this momma...and please don't ask if I'm carrying twins.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Little Things I Want to Remember: Judah.

We've been a forever family for over 9 months and our kids are cuter than ever. Since I don't keep a baby book for either kid, this is my version of capturing the moments and milestones of our Judah Abebayehu.

Here are some of my most favorite things about Judah's exploding personhood...


  • He's recently learned the difference  between a boy and a girl [though not anatomically], and he correctly assigns the gender to each member of our family. However, when I told Judah that daddy is actually a "man", he immediately pointed to himself and said "Judah, man!" He's convinced of it!
  • As the story above proves, he speaks of himself in the third person quite often.
  • Judah and I have a special connection. It's unexplainable but this photo booth picture provides a snapshot into our daily life.
  • He's my little bookworm. The first thing he does every morning is pull several books off the bookshelf to read. He studies those books with a passion.
  • When he's trying to get my attention and I don't answer the first couple times, he'll follow with "Mommy! Oooohhhh, mom-my!!" Where did he learn that!?! 
  • Judah is my snuggler. He burrows into to my shoulder anytime of day and loves to give me kisses upon request.
  • Judah would be a couch potato if we let him. His current favorite show is Yo Gabba Gabba, and his favorite movie is "The Lion King". That's my Ethiopian son!
  • Winking is one of his prized tricks. He can only contort his right eye which requires his mouth to move toward the wink, as well. His entire face works overtime to wink that big eye. But he's oh-so good at it and it's always followed by a laugh.
  • One of Judah's first phrases was "I'm sorry", primarily because of offenses to his sister. Since then, he says "sorry sissy" almost every time Addise cries even if it's not his fault. Pavlov response.
  • We've been teaching our kids about their emotions. Judah is quick to let us know if he or someone else is happy, sad, mad, or tired. I'm determined to raise emotionally aware and healthy kids!
My bucket is actually a hat!

Judah's molluscum got infected, thus the Cookie Monster bandaid. While he was being treated for the infection he was a broken record, "Mommy. My Owie. Doctor. Medicine."

I'm crazy about this kid. He's growing leaps and bounds and after 9 months together, he is solidly a Diaz.

April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

3 months home!

Today marks 12 weeks since we've been home as a family of four. No small feat, if I say so myself. In celebration and commemoration of this special day, here are some facts about our first 3 months as a family...

  • 1 birthday :: We celebrated Addise's first birthday 3 weeks after we got home. Celebrating her birthday was a true celebration of life and growth in every way!
  • 26 lbs :: Both our kids weigh 26 lbs. Judah is 19 months older than Addise, yet they weigh the same. Yet Judah's moved from the 1% to the 10% in weight and Addise's grown from the 50% to the 95% in weight. Let's say the American diet is doing them good.
  • 12+ doctor visits in the past 12 weeks :: While our kiddos have been remarkably healthy, the scarce medical history and a few health issues have required us to make our doctor our best friend.
  • 6 teeth :: Addise graciously waited to cut her first 2 teeth until the week we got her. She's yet to reveal any more these past 2 months. Judah, even at 2 1/2 years old only had 10 teeth, but he's cut 4 more teeth! More seem to be emerging every week.
  • "Take them a Meal" :: The first 8+ weeks we didn't cook for ourselves. Meals and groceries were delivered multiple times a week thanks to our Newsong community and my family.
  • 3 weeks and 10 weeks :: The first 3 weeks we were home Brian graciously received time off of work. I cannot imagine that time without him!!! My job gifted me with 10 weeks off - 5 weeks totally off, 5 weeks slowly working my way back to full time. It was perfect...exactly what we needed!!
  • Family :: My family flew thousands of miles to spend a total of 20 days with us. Their posture was 100% of service and what was best for our kids.
  • 1 Getaway :: We took off on our first overnighter this weekend to San Diego and had a blast.
  • 1 Photo Session :: This week we were gifted with a family photo session. Not only did we capture Addise's first birthday, our 10th wedding anniversary, a handful of head shots for my speaking gigs, and MOSTLY our first professional pictures of our God-given family! [You gotta visit: http://www.hanachung.com/ to see our photographer's skills!]
  • Sign Language and Words :: Judah has acquired at least 50 words that he understands and a handful of sign language words [more, thank you, please, I love you]. Addise's learned the sign language too, and now says: more, daddy, Judah, I did that [so we think], hi, and occasionally - momma. :) Most encouragingly, Judah seems to understand most everything we say to him. Breathe...accomplishment!
  • First tattoos and piercings :: Just kidding. We're holding off on those for our kids. :)

All that on top of hundreds of kisses, countless moments of frustration, hours of lost sleep, endless giggles, ah-ha moments, hundreds of diapers, regular prayers for grace and mercy, confessions for forgiveness and help, hours of rocking babies to sleep, nightly wake-up calls for cuddles, calming or more Tylenol, a house littered with toys, cabinets and cupboards reallocated for baby products, shocking amounts of laundry...

...and a few tears in those heavenly moments when I realize "I'm a mom"
and "you are exactly who I prayed for". Our family is truly a miracle.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.