Summer So Far

Being on maternity leave for half the summer allowed us some special bonding time as a new family of five. Seeking our new normal, schedules all outta whack, lavishing kisses on our littlest Diaz, here are some moments to remember and share...

Addise was a flower girl in the wedding I officiated. Judah was the ring bearer.
Here she is in her traditional Ethiopian dress...devouring a lemon.

Unprompted cuddles. Maybe one of my favorite pictures of all time.

So. Much. LOVE.

We got an annual membership to the "monkey zoo" down the street from our house.
A 5-minute walk and we are surrounded by animals, learning, and fun.

Our association pool has been frequented this summer. Though I'm not thrilled to be in a bathing suit weeks after having a baby, I've chosen making pool memories with my preschoolers over vanity. Good choice.

Last summer my older Ethiopian had never been in a body of water larger than a bathtub. Pools freaked him out. This summer he is running and jumping into pool (with floaties), blowing bubbles, and toying with arm strokes. That's my boy!

"More Daddy!"

Tiny toes emerging like a Houdini act from his swaddle.

Learning to love the activity gym.

"Ride da horsey, mommy?" If I had a dollar for every time Addise asked me that question.
Here they are with my momma at the zoo.

Camping out with the birdies at the zoo.

Come on. They're just the cutest. It's really not fair.

His model face.

There's nothing like a naked baby.
Can't believe this chunky baby came out at 4 lb 5 oz.

Staying up past bedtime watching the Olympics' Opening Ceremonies.
Our first Olympics as a family.

His giggles and smiles are addicting.
Asher is living into his name's meaning - HAPPY!

Stop it. Too cool for school.
Asher's accompanying me to work these days. I think the sunglasses are a disguise for sleeping during the meeting I was leading.
On another note, it brings me immeasurable joy to have my friends/coworkers love on him when we're at the office. Guys and girls alike beg, steal, and barter for "Asher time". They snuggle, feed, change diapers, kiss, and rock him. Sometimes I lose track of him as he gets passed around the office. It takes a village and I live mine!
Vintage Addise. Such a lady.

Brian's parents visiting us and meeting their newest grandchild.
Hanging at the beach was a must for my island in-laws!

Testing the waves. The waves won moments later.

Sand. Sand. Sand. We find you in her hair for days to come. Curses, sand.

No words. Only love.

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April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Meeting the Grands

Who heads to the desert in the middle of the summer with three little ones? We do! We spent the better part of a week in Palm Springs for a work conference for me and we were joined by some very special guests. My mom drove out with us to help with the kiddos and my grandparents flew into town to meet their newest great-grandchild and see their favorite Ethiopians. It was a priceless trip that still came with the cost of sacrifice.

Perhaps my favorite moment was when Granny and Gramps (my kids great-grandparents) walked into our hotel room for the first time. They busted in the door after bedtime and Judah and Addise giggled with delight while sprinting to give them hugs. THEY KNOW THEIR GRANDPARENTS! Judah and Addise know they are loved by them. It was a joyful reunion to say the least.

While I sat in an air conditioned conference room for work, my mom (sitting on the pool steps) played for hours with my kids in the pool.

Asher wearing Gramps' shirt from when he was a baby!!! This shirt is 80 years old and in pristine condition. Gramps held Asher for hours on end which made my heart glad.

Such a beautiful shirt in perfect condition! Thrilled we were able to capture this moment...(and that double chin)

My Granny with my son.

Three generations sitting on the couch. My grandparents are amazing grandparents. They take great delight in us and radically love on us.
(After a dozen attempts, we still couldn't get 6 smiles at the camera. Impossible.)


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Birthday Boy

I'm just gonna say what every other parent says on their child's birthday, "HOW IS MY SON 4 YEARS OLD?!?!" This birthday was like our first one with Judah because last July 8th he was barely speaking English and had no concept of birthdays. This year was a different story. I was a bit obsessive about building anticipation for his big day.

"Judah, what's coming up?" 
"How old are you going to be?"
"What are we doing for your birthday, buddy?"
"Do you want a party?"
"Is grandma coming here for your birthday?"
"Are you getting presents for your birthday?"

Brian got sick of it. I did not. To me, this was a birthday worth celebrating BIG. So we did for about 2 weeks.

The morning of his birthday, we burst into his room and I nearly yelled, "Judah, what's today?!?!" He bounced up on his bed and squealed, "MY BIRTHDAY! PRESENTS!!!!" Yes, buddy. Today's your day.

Lion King book from Uncle Matt and Aunt SB. He's a reader!

He's also a "watcher". This boy loves movies like his Daddy.

We celebrated his birthday at a bounce house with his friends a little belated so Grandma could be in town.
It was so fun to party with our diverse group of friends!!!
Judah had the time of his life.


My girl with my mom.

We had a sweet friend make 2 kinds of DELICIOUS and adorably decorated cupcakes.
We discovered a little too late that Judah ate the wrapper of half his
cupcake. Oops.

"Cheese!" With Daddy.

Our oreo sandwich. Judah's best friend, Cohen. He's logged a lot of hours with Cohen over the past year and a half.
This was their last time together since Coco's moving to Paris soon. Bittersweet part of his party.

The spoils. Judah was truly spoiled. Though I don't want my kids to be spoiled, this birthday felt "right" to shower him with gifts. It was an explosion of love on this little boy's life. He's never experienced something like this before now. So grateful for our friends for choosing thoughtful and fun gifts that he truly loves.
They know him.
That's the best part.

Addise couldn't quite understand why it wasn't her birthday too. :) Judah graciously shared the spotlight, because that's just who he is.

Heck ya! A Batman shirt with removable cape. SO COOL!

One gift was cooler than the next. He could hardly move from one gift to the next because he was so overwhelmed with each one.

Fishing pole for the pool. He's already been practicing a lot.

Thank you's have yet to be written but I've been non-stop grateful since his big day. Judah felt loved. He was celebrated. He was lavishly gifted. Most importantly, he was surrounded by friends and family who know him and love him.

Of course, I couldn't help but to think of the woman who gave him birth and gave him up. I silently spilled a few tears. Offered up a few prayers. Hoped that the God of all good and perfect gifts would continue making good things come from so much loss and pain.

Judah, you are my first born son. Your eyes speak a hundred thousand words in more animation and expression than your words can yet convey. You are kind. You are giving. You are a reader and a watcher. You are a great big brother to Addise and Asher. You are joy embodied. You have the most tender heart. You have a conscience that is enviable to most adults. You are smart as a whip. You are a deep observer and intense learner. You are a fighter. You are so sensitive. You are playful and silly. You love superheroes like your Daddy. You are uber-curious. You are my son and I love you beyond what you will ever comprehend. Happy birthday, Bugs.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.