A Few "Redefining the Role of the Youth Worker" Stories
/My first book has been out for 9 days and I'm already SO VERY encouraged by the responses from youth workers, senior pastors, parents, coworkers, and those I've never met. Books have already been shipped to New Zealand, Japan, France, Australia, and Canada. In fact, one pastor in Canada pre-ordered 20 copies to share with a network of youth workers throughout Canada. How cool is that?!? This book is already global! The Amazon reviews are increasing as people read the book. My Twitter feed is filling with very encouraging words.
One of the trends I'm most excited about is the book isn't confined to 1) youth pastors or 2) a singular person. This book was written for THE CHURCH and to be read in teams. Those who've read it know if a sole youth pastor reads this book, significant change will not take place. The heart of soul of this book is for anyone who loves teenagers, which begs for groups of people to read it together and determine the implications for their contexts.
I wanted to share a couple quick stories of how this book is intersecting the dreams and struggles of leaders across the country.
Last week I got these two tweets from Wes Trevor (@thecombackkid):
"Not going to lie, it's been a tough few weeks emotionally in ministry. Lots of pondering. But @aprilldiaz new book has given hope 4 future."
"So friends, it's probably good to go pick up Redefining the Role of the Youth Worker by @aprilldiaz. Great primer for future prof. ministry."
Yes! A deep breath of gratitude that this book is making its way into the hearts of leaders! Then, today I get this email:
I had a long talk with my pastor/boss last Thursday about our youth ministry, my role, Sticky Faith, etc. and I left feeling unsettled and dissatisfied with where we were at in all of these areas. So, the next morning when I was doing my quiet time I randomly had the thought to google "Redefining the Role of the Youth Pastor" and no joke, your book came up right away. I obviously had to order it, because, hello, crazy coincidence (more like divine intervention)!
It already came and I'm almost done reading it and it's exactly what I needed for this particular time/stage in our ministry. That is actually how I found out about the cohort because I went to your website to find out more about the book before it arrived. Also, another moment of divine intervention.
Thanks so much! Jessica
I am hopeful this is the beginning of some real movement toward integration in our churches, families, and communities. Undeniably, God is on the move and I'm so grateful my little book is part of that movement!