Is 2 better than 1?
/We need to make a BIG DECISION in the next couple months. Should we adopt 2 little Ethiopian kiddos or just 1? There's a ton of pros and cons to each decision that can only bring more crazy making in our minds. So, I thought I'd just ask our blog community (or in the words of Rachel, "your blog stalker") to pray for us. Would you pray that Brian and I would...
- come to the same decision separately
- process the decision along the way well together and separately
- peace
- make a decision with the best interest of the child in mind
- not make the decision out of fear but out of love
We're not asking for everyone's opinions on this, which would probably only add to crazy thinking, but we DO want to hear God's voice. Therefore, if you think God tells you something that might impact our decision making, please share it with us.
We are so grateful for the nearly 1000 hits we've had to this blog. It's such a testimony to how loved our little one(s) will be!!! We love you.