Is 2 Better Than 1? Decision
/In mid-June we asked you to specifically pray for our decision to adopt 2 kiddos or 1. We have decided, but before I share the verdict I wanna share our process. In June I asked you to pray that we would:
- come to the same decision separately
- process the decision along the way well together and separately
- have peace
- make a decision with the best interest of the child in mind
- not make the decision out of fear but out of love
Looking back on the past 2 months, God's answered those prayers greatly. He's used your prayers on our behalf. Thank you for not offering your own opinions but spiritually carrying us through the process.
Over the course of the past couple months I've fearfully wavered between 2 and 1. Brian never really did waver. He was always sure it would be 2. God spoke to me a couple times over the past two months, but one significant part of the process for me was meeting up with my co-Ethiopian adoptive friends, the Howver's, in Washington D.C. My intent was to ask them every question I could think of about what it's been like these past 2 years with their 2 Ethiopian daughters. They adopted them at the same time when the girls were 10 months and 2 1/2 years old (similar to what we'd get with 2). I was looking for something to help me make up my mind. Within 5 minutes of hanging with the Howver family, I was sure. Peace. Confidence. Courage. Boldness. Clarity. In my spirit I knew...
It was 2 kiddos. I told Brian. He wanted more time before we decided. Later he told me it was because he wanted to know if I was for real or just on an emotional high from spending a few hours with the Howver's 2 beautiful girls. It wasn't a high. It was for real.
A couple weeks later, Brian said "yes". It was a moment in the Diaz casa. Tears. Joy. Pure happiness. We are under no illusion that this could be very, very hard. But we know that we must adopt 2 little ones. We can. We have been given everything we need. We need to place greater trust and dependency on Jesus. We need to walk on water a bit. We need those little ones probably more than they need us. But we know that we can care for 2 orphans and for that reason we must. So, overnight our family will double. We'll need your help...that's for sure!