Kuvina was Personal
/[written for the Kuvina website, linked]
I’ve had a deep, deep love for Africa for years – that’s no surprise to anyone who’s spent more than an hour with me. For years I’ve advocated for the church to engage in the needs of Africa, specifically Malawi, but this year it was personal. This year my almost-3-year-old Ethiopian son participated in Kuvina. Without Judah even understanding what he was doing, he was creating art that would benefit those from his home continent. So when June 26th arrived, my checkbook was in hand to bid on the 2 pieces of art Judah contributed to (among others!). Our bid won for one of his pieces. His second piece I was out–bidded by a family who’s son is a junior helper in Judah’s classroom. It was beautiful to see how one of his helpers even wanted to capture the meaningfulness of his service.Everyday when I walk into Judah’s bedroom I can see the Africa canvas art piece he helped create. It’s a reminder of what our church is committed to in Malawi. It’s a reminder of my son’s heritage. It’s a reminder of the things that matter most. His art work is more than paint and canvas and fabric. His hands helped invest in a water well in Malawi. His art really is creating life and health for his brothers and sisters across the world.
As a pastor, I’m really proud of our church’s tangible commitment to the least, lost, last of Malawi. As a momma, I’m deeply moved by my son’s participation in such a life-changing project. I believe it’s shaping his little heart and teaching him to think, care for, and love the world the way Jesus does. There’s nothing better.