A (Must Attend) Youth Worker Gathering - The Summit
Two years ago I was asked to speak on Redefining the Role of the Youth Worker to a few hundred youth workers with The Youth Cartel's first national Summit training event. It went well enough for them to offer me a book contract, which (inevitably due to the contract) lead to my first book. It was all a little surreal but I've followed and loved the Cartel for years.
Last month I joined the Cartel's team as their Director of Coaching (more on that in later posts). I joined the team, in large part, because the work we do for youth workers and the church is admirable. It's Kingdom-centric, relationally driven, adventurous and thoughtful, silly and considerate, and much more.
This November will be the 3rd annual gathering for youth workers all over the country. One of the reasons I love this specific gathering is because of it's diversity. As a white woman with a Hispanic husband and Ethiopian kiddos living in a very multiethnic community, diversity of ethnicity and gender is VERY important to me because I think it helps us see God and his big, big world better. The Summit has worked quite intentionally - and hard - at diversifying the speakers of this gathering. The Cartel also is mindful about adding voices to the conversation who are new, younger, unique, and different from the standard "youth ministry" world. And all that divergent thought leads itself to better thinking and ideas and praxis, as a result. Don't believe me - check out the speaker page! There really isn't a youth minstry event quite like it.
I get to be a part of The Summit again - on the stage and off it. When I travel, it costs me something, namely time with my family and money from my bank account. I know there are a lot of youth ministry events to be a part of. I get it; I've been doing this for nearly two decades (geez, that makes me sound old!). But this is worth it and will add fuel to your fire in every way. I hope to see you there.
Get the early registration pricing before the end of July! Register HERE!!