In light of the impossibility of topping my last few posts introducing Baby T and Lil' A, I would like to introduce you to the 2 newest Diaz family members: Ringo [left] and Spike [right]. Ringo is the cool, calm, and collected fish. Spike is a little crazy and fiesty. I worry about his mental health.
Last week a friend at work offered to give us 2 Betta fish. After more thought than the decision warranted, we accepted. [It's like it was a big decision.] After all, they were free, low maintenance, came with free homes, and they provided us with first attempt at parenting. Actually, at first Brian suggested we flush them down the toilet and see how long they'd fight for their lives, but at last he embraced these 2 fish as pets. We spent quite a bit of time trying to name them. Among the finalists were Maximus, Eddie, Edward, Cliff, Theo, Starbuck and Apollo. A very serious endeavor.
After a few days, they've managed to cost us $8.67 on colored rocks [see above pic] and food. Brian's become quite fond of them. He's feeding them, concerned about the poop levels in their water bowls, and wondering what they are thinking about their new home. I've told him these levels of responsibility and nurturing are promising signs of fatherhood. I've NEVER been concerned about these qualities in my husband - he's kind of a rock star in these categories, but none the less, he's never had to activate these qualities in a parenting role. Until now.
Baby T and Lil' A, Ringo and Spike are waiting for you. We got these 2 crazy fish for you. You already have pets [and blankets and a few toys with little brown people and lots of books!] We love you oh-so much. We look at your faces too many times a day to count and wonder what you're doing. We pray for your caretakers and friends at the orphanage. We are praying for every aspect of the legal processes to go smoothly and without delay so we can bring you home as quickly as humanly possible. Until you get home, we'll take good care of Ringo and Spike and practice our best parenting skills on them. We love you, Baby T and Lil' A.