2nd Medicals - APPROVED!

We have approved our 2nd medicals in record time [not really, but it was quite quick!]!!! We talked through the new set of tests, lab reports, and exams with a great doctor-friend of ours today and sent in our official "YES" just a little while ago!

Now What? Lil' A and Baby T's paperwork will be completed, compiled with our dossier, and transfered to the Ethiopian courts. Then, we wait to be issued our 2 Ethiopian court dates after the courts re-open on September 30th.

Prayer Requests:

  • Our paperwork is ready to go - waiting in line - when the courts re-open on the 30th.
  • That we'd have 2 successful court dates by the end of 2010. It's ambitious, but possible with God! This would also mean that we'd travel to Ethiopia by the end of 2010. [Plus it's just a catchy saying...haha]

Thanks so much for praying them home. "Passing" these 2 medicals is no small thing and getting them completed in less than 3 weeks is borderline miraculous. I believe it's because of your prayers! Keep 'em coming!!!!


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

What I Feel the Most...

I wasn't entirely expecting it, but there it is again.

For the past 23 days, I've been over-the-moon excited for Lil' A and Baby T coming into our lives. I've saved their pictures to my phone's home screens, my laptop background, printed some for our fridge and we actually framed 2 of each of them. We are fully in love! They feel like ours already, even though we are very aware that something devastating could happen and our adoption could fall through. We deeply celebrate everyday that what was lost is now found.

What I wasn't entirely expecting what how much grief I would feel for their birth mothers. Overwhelming compassion. Deep sorrow. Soulful mourning. While I have never been able to conceive a child, a woman who was had to give hers up because they wouldn't survive without it. I cannot imagine. Simply cannot imagine that grief of giving up a child you love because of poverty.
I've found myself praying frequently for their birth family. Praying for peace. Praying for healing. Praying for comfort. Praying for restoration. Praying for confirmation that her sacrifice was courageous and right. Praying the Holy Spirit - in ways only he can - will let her know that Brian and I will passionately love their child.

Tonight I was reading my blog roll and found THIS POST. I wept as I read. It's a snapshot into my heart and a prayer I have for our children to someday find some answers for their identity. The reality is that adoption is FILLED with grief and pain, but God - as only God can do - bring beauty from ashes.

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April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.


Well, we are finally beginning the incredibly exciting and slightly overwhelming task of registering for Lil' A and Baby T!!!!!! I was beginning to wonder if this day would ever come? We still haven't figured out exactly what colors the room will be, but it needs to be pseudo-gender neutral since our son and daughter will be sharing a room. I'm leaning toward this color combo [sea blue and mustard yellow], but our design all-star friends say bedding comes first...
A few guiding philosophy thoughts:

  • Budget :: We are definitely budget conscious! When our process is all done [approx. $35,000+], we aren't about to spend several thousand on their room, furniture, clothes, and baby "needs". Our parenting costs are just beginning after their home!
  • Multi-Functional :: We definitely want items that will serve several purposes and will last us for both Lil' A and Baby T. Since we live in a 1100 sq. ft. condo, they'll be sharing a bedroom, and drive 2 Civics, we want to conserve space make the most of the STUFF!!
  • Hand-Me-Downs :: We are VERY open to these! Our only request is that they are gently used, items we really need and "fit" us. We respectfully reserve the right to decline offers. :) We've already been offered a few items and are soooooo grateful.
  • Ages and Stages :: Lil' A will be about 2 1/2 when he finally gets home. Baby T will be close to 1 year old. That eliminates a lot of stuff for newborns!

Specific Nursery and "Stuff" Needs:

  • Bedding :: We are thinking about having a friend sew Lil' A's bedding and finding something complimentary for Baby T's crib. We want something that will work for him for several years! Any fabric or bedding websites that you'd really recommend?
  • Furniture :: We are planning on having a crib, twin size bed, and dresser. Not sure if we need anymore than that?!? Thoughts?
  • Closet Space :: We have a really huge closet that could hold a dresser and lots of storage. We want to maximize that space! Do you have organizational or room design ideas for that?
  • Strollers and Car Seats :: Enough options online to make me nauseous. What to avoid or must have?
  • Splurge or Save :: It would also be really helpful to know what items are worth spending the extra money on and what items can really be penny pinched.

Of course, other ideas and suggestions are welcomed! Feel free to post your comments or email me. This process reminds me of registering for our wedding and haphazardly wandering around stores shooting our gun at random items. We've paid for it over the last 9 years as we've realized what we really like, need, and want in our home. I'm hoping to avoid some of those travesties this time around!! Thanks for the help!!!


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.