On the Day Addise was Born...

I have a number of friends [especially including Maria Lee] that have been diligently praying for Judah and Addise since before we knew their faces or names. At my baby shower last weekend, Maria wondered what we were praying for on the birthdays of our kids. I had no idea...

Judah :: When Judah was born [8 July 2008] we hadn't even started our adoption process. But God knew that he was to be our son. Amazing how God determined how he was to be our son before we even started the process!!! Immeasurably grateful for him on this Thanksgiving Day!

Addise :: I actually posted on our blog on the day she was born [9 February 2010]!! Re-reading that post brought tears to my eyes. It was such a fresh reminder of my LONGING for our children. Read that post HERE.

On this Thanksgiving Day, I am beyond words, immeasurably thankful to be Judah and Addise's momma. It's remarkable to me how much I love 2 little ones whom I've only spent about 10 hours with and barely know! It's grace. It's also a testament how God forms forever families.

Forever grateful...


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Radio Interview

Today I had the privilege of being interviewed about our journey toward adoption and through infertility. The interview was for the radio show called Grounded hosted by Ryan Dobson, James Dobson's son, who was also adopted as an infant and is now adopting from Ghana. It was incredible to be able to share our journey on this platform. Praying God uses my words and our story to inspire others toward orphan care and adoption...

You can download the 1-hour long interview HERE.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Meet-chya Day Video!

I've been dying to create my own "Gotchya Day" video since I first saw my friend's from her Guatemalan and Ethiopian adoption. Since then, I've watched dozens upon dozens and cried buckets of tears. While this isn't our "Gotchya Day" video, I'm entitling it "Meet-chya Day" video. I get to create my other video when we actually get our kiddos - prayerfully next month! Enjoy! I'd love your comments on the blog. This is the very first video I've ever created...ever. Proud momma in every way!

...and we started a YouTube page because of this. Check out the link in the title and subscribe for future videos.