What 1 Year in a Church Can Do...
/This past year at my church, Newsong, we've been on mission to raise money, awareness, and relational partnership with our friends in Malawi. God's done a ridiculous amount in the hearts of our people toward the widows, orphan, poor, and lost of Malawi. This 4-minute video shows an inside look into what has happened in the past year. This is cause to CELEBRATE! The videos stories and facts challenges me, humbles me, inspires me, and definitely moved me to tears. Please check it and and share with a friend!
Newsong Church Unleash Campaign - Malawi Update [Newsong Irvine | 09.27.2010] from Newsong Church on Vimeo.
If you want to know more about the organizations we've partnered with or how Newsong has arranged ourselves toward this kind of transformation, I'd LOVE to share more. Email me or comment here and we'll talk!