Kuvina was Personal

[written for the Kuvina website, linked]

I’ve had a deep, deep love for Africa for years – that’s no surprise to anyone who’s spent more than an hour with me. For years I’ve advocated for the church to engage in the needs of Africa, specifically Malawi, but this year it was personal. This year my almost-3-year-old Ethiopian son participated in Kuvina. Without Judah even understanding what he was doing, he was creating art that would benefit those from his home continent. So when June 26th arrived, my checkbook was in hand to bid on the 2 pieces of art Judah contributed to (among others!). Our bid won for one of his pieces. His second piece I was out–bidded by a family who’s son is a junior helper in Judah’s classroom. It was beautiful to see how one of his helpers even wanted to capture the meaningfulness of his service.

Everyday when I walk into Judah’s bedroom I can see the Africa canvas art piece he helped create. It’s a reminder of what our church is committed to in Malawi. It’s a reminder of my son’s heritage. It’s a reminder of the things that matter most. His art work is more than paint and canvas and fabric. His hands helped invest in a water well in Malawi. His art really is creating life and health for his brothers and sisters across the world.

As a pastor, I’m really proud of our church’s tangible commitment to the least, lost, last of Malawi. As a momma, I’m deeply moved by my son’s participation in such a life-changing project. I believe it’s shaping his little heart and teaching him to think, care for, and love the world the way Jesus does. There’s nothing better.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Working Mom :: Calling

When people ask me how I can be the kind of mom I want to be AND work full-time, I tell them 2 things. First, I have an amazingly supportive husband [without this the second point isn't even valid]. Second, I have an amazingly supportive employer with super a flexible work schedule.

It's the second point that I'll dedicate to this post [my last post was on the first point]. Let me begin by saying that I believe in callings. I believe God gives them to everyone, but callings look different. That's why it's especially important in the Church that we learn to honor and bless each others' callings. When we do that, we empower another to bring the Kingdom more on Earth as it is in Heaven. I also believe that callings can change as we grow, life changes, and we are faithful in what we've been given. What I was called to 5 years ago is somewhat different from today because of those things.

I work for a church and I'm immensely grateful our faith community models biblical gender equality. They believe in me as a pastor and a mother. They honor both callings and make space for me to be both. I believe in part I'm called to be a voice in the Church for those who don't have a voice [specifically the next generation, the poor, and orphans]. Some of the moments I feel most alive, impassioned, and fulfilled are when I'm leading, teaching, and loving people toward Jesus. If I quit my job, I believe I'd be disobedient to living out the calling God gave me when I was 16 years old.

I also believe that part of what I'm called to do is be a mother. In fact, I believe if you have kids that is one of your MAIN callings. Take it another step, I believe the Church - God's people - is called to father/mother the next generation! Because of this, I make willing sacrifices in my pastoral calling in order to fulfill my mothering calling. It's messy, but I believe someday I'll stand before God and give an account to my obedience in living out my callings.

Reminds me of the Parable of the Talents...will you/I invest or bury the gifts, skills, passions we've been given by the Living God?

[NOTE: if you have questions or suggestions for this "Working Mom" series,
I'd love to hear them!]
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April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Working Mom :: Co-Parenting

When people ask me how I can be the kind of mom I want to be AND work full-time, I tell them 2 things. First, I have an amazingly supportive husband [without this the second point isn't even valid]. Second, I have an amazingly supportive employer with super a flexible work schedule.

It's the first point that I'll dedicate to this post. Brian does not see me as the primary parent. He doesn't think that it's more my job to parent in these early years. He doesn't believe his primary job is to provide financially for our family. He views his primary job as being the best husband and father he can be. He doesn't value career over fatherhood. And he honors my calling as a pastor AND a mother. Because of these foundational beliefs, we are able to co-parent our children.

Practically, co-parenting means that Brian changes diapers, prepares meals, dresses our kids, puts them to bed, bathes them, and nurtures them with me. There is nothing I do that Brian doesn't do. Some days he does more of these things than I do. Other days, I carry the load more. But the point is that we both view and practice the daily grind of caring for 2 toddlers equally. We honor that we both have roles and responsibilities beyond parenting that we need to be healthy and whole. We support our individual needs so that we can bring our best to our marriage and kids.

We are learning how to do this better, too! We are learning how to parent from our strengths and draw from each others best contributions. We are struggling to find boundaries with work and play. We are seeking counsel and support from other parents we admire. We are facing our limits in very, very full lives. We are failing daily!! But our failure and struggle only increases our desire to co-parent. We need each other, desperately, to raise these 2 little people to fully become themselves.

Co-parenting. I'm a fan!

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April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.